Why Aren't Exact Pick Up or Delivery Dates Guaranteed?

A calendar with certain dates pinned.

When we explained the broker fee , we stated:

The role of an auto transport broker is to broker or arrange a transaction, between a customer and a trucking company. Once the role has been executed, that is, a trucking company has confirmed they will pick up your car within an estimated timeframe and deliver it within an estimated timeframe; a contract is created between the broker and the trucking company, and additional contract is created between the broker and the customer, and a broker fee is required.

Then we realized it would be helpful to explain estimated time frames for pickup and delivery.

We understand our customers have busy lives and for the most part your vehicle is essential for getting you from place to place. Having an exact pick up date and time is convenient in just about every way imaginable. However, when dealing with weather conditions, road conditions, traffic, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) mandates on how long truck drivers can drive on the road, and more, guaranteeing exact pick up and/or delivery dates/times in this industry is not possible.

At Beam Me Up Auto Transport, we always ask for a two-day window for pick up and delivery to work within. Most times our customers let us know their preferred date and time and we along with the trucking companies try our best to meet that expectation however due to the variables highlighted above exact pick up and/or delivery times cannot be guaranteed.

While we can’t guarantee exact dates/times, feel free to check out our reviews at Transport Reviews, The Better Business Bureau, Google (enter Beam Me Up Auto Transport in your Google search bar), and Yelp to see our track record when it comes to getting cars transported when we say we will. 

Alicia Konsker